Concise Communication

Scripture Reading - Matthew 5:37 KJV

But let your communication be, Yea, yea; Nay, nay: for whatsoever is more than these cometh of evil.

In today’s scripture reading we will study the subject of communication. Although communication is very broad in this lesson we will concentrate on the topic of “concise communication”. We know these words come directly from our wonderful Lord and Savior Jesus Christ when He was speaking with the multitudes during His famous Sermon on the mount (mountain). This means that keeping your “communication concise” in this context means at least three separate things. First, by addressing the multitudes (plural) we know this applies to everyone. Whosoever, has an ear to hear could benefit from God’s wisdom. The Lord has always been very liberal in His distribution of knowledge; it is usually the people who fail to spend the extra time necessary to truly understand exactly what He is saying who lose the message of Christ because they don’t understand the meaning of His message. Secondly, “Yea, yea: Nay, nay” has dual meaning the capitalization of “Yea” first means start your answer with the clear response while the second “yea” means end on that same message. Likewise, the capital “Nay” trialed by the lower case “nay” carries the same thought. Just in case you are not sure what “Yea” means it is the equivalent word for “Yes”. On the contrary “Nay” is the same word for “No”. We (ihlcc) would like to encourage all people that there are times when a simple “No” is the correct response. Too many people in the world today think that they have to please everybody and they don’t realize the impossibility of that position. We know that the scripture teaches to please God first, then do what you can to help your fellowman, that does not say to be a man pleaser because that will lead to errors in judgment due to an improper motive. Also, in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word is established according to 2 Corinthians 13:1. The Good Lord knew we needed to constantly repeat ourselves for our words to heard, this is probably why we have two ears and only one mouth. The third thing we see in this writing of scripture is that the Lord points out the devil is in the mix. What we (ihlcc) mean by that is the devil will always try to get you to speak more words than what is necessary. Why? You ask; because the more you talk the more prone you are to sin according to Proverbs 10:19. We are instructed in Proverbs 21:23 that he who keeps his tongue keeps his soul from troubles. We (ihlcc) are sure that verse applies to women and girls also. You don’t need a lot of words to effectively communicate in the Kingdom of God only the right words. So be wise and use “Concise Communication” when speaking to others because you must remember, dear saint of God, people are listening to exactly what you are saying. If you speak as the oracles of God you for sure ought to be using the Words of God in the confines of “Concise Communication” in Jesus Name. Amen.